A Duke student is hospitalized after being diagnosed with bacterial meningitis


“The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that bacterial meningitis is very serious and can result in death or disability.”

November 20, 2018
Archy Nety


A student has been admitted to the hospital with bacterial meningitis, and the university has announced that she is in close contact with the student.

Duke Student Health is working with the Durham County Health Department to handle the situation on the Duke Today website.

Close contact is defined as direct exposure to saliva or throat secretions, the Duke Today notice said. Such contact could occur through sharing drinks, utensils or kissing, or by prolonged exposure to coughing, according to the announcement.

Students who have come in contact with the infected student are advised that they would be helpful if they would be helpful, "the Duke Today article said.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that bacterial meningitis is very serious and can result in death or disability. On average, 4,100 cases and 500 deaths were reported annually in the United States between 2003 and 2007, according to one study on the CDC website, which also lists various symptoms and meningitis can be spread.

Read the full article “A Duke student is hospitalized after being diagnosed with bacterial meningitis”

Emma Harrison